
Exterior of house with tree in foreground.

Housing Options

A City for Everyone includes housing options at price points affordable to all who choose to call Boise home. The new zoning code includes several incentives to support the development of diverse and affordable housing options. They aim to help increase the number of affordable units, encourage sustainable building elements, and preserve existing buildings.


Neighborhood Housing Incentives One Sheets


These incentives are offered to property owners who:

  • Develop or preserve affordable housing
  • Develop housing along designated roadways and/or activity centers
  • Reuse an existing building/structure for affordable housing
  • Prioritize sustainability through design and infrastructure elements

Property owners who meet these criteria may be eligible for the following incentives:

  • Density flexibility
  • Additional building height
  • Parking reduction

For more information on these incentives, please contact us.


Applicable Zones

Benefit Offered



R-1A, R-1B, R-1C

Permissions for up to 4 residential units.

One of three or two of four units deed-restricted affordable at 80% AMI (rental) 120% AMI (ownership)

Income Guidelines


Project contains all electric or geothermal energy source, consumes 15% less energy or meets green building code, and consumes 15% less water.


R-1B, R-1C located within 300 feet of a collector or arterial roadway or within one fourth of a mile of a property zoned MX-3 and MX-4; AND have a minimum of 55 feet of street frontage (review additional site and design requirements).

Permissions for up to 12 residential units.

One (5-8 units) or two (9-12 units) deed-restricted affordable at 80% AMI (rental) or (120% AMI (ownership)

Income Guidelines

#3R-2, R-3 if parcel is located entirely within one fourth mile of property zoned as MX-3, MX-4, or MX-5.

50% parking reduction

25% of units deed-restricted affordable at 60% AMI. At least 25% OF affordable units must contain two or more bedrooms.

Income Guidelines


Project contains all electric or geothermal energy source, consumes 15% less energy or meets green building code, consumes 15% less water, and dedicates on-site space for recycling.



50% parking reduction

25% of units deed-restricted affordable at 60% AMI. At least 25% OF affordable units must contain two or more bedrooms.

Income Guidelines


Project contains all electric or geothermal energy source, consumes 15% less energy or meets green building code, consumes 15% less water, and dedicates on-site space for recycling.



Permission to exceed height limit and exempt from minimum off-street parking requirements

25% of units deed-restricted affordable at 60% AMI. At least 25% OF affordable units must contain two or more bedrooms.

Income Guidelines


Project contains all electric or geothermal energy source, consumes 15% less energy or meets green building code, consumes 15% less water, and dedicates on-site space for recycling.


R-1A, R-1B, R-1C, R-2, R-3, MX-1, MX-2, MX-3

If Residential zone, 50% parking reduction and not subject to density limits.

If MX zone, no additional parking required than what is on-site.

Reuse existing primary building and not increased or reduced size by more than 10%.

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