Building Design
The city's Building Design Standards help reinforce existing and desired development patterns and building features intended to implement the Comprehensive Plan, Blueprint Boise. Design sites, and determining how buildings are oriented, create an emphasis on character and create a comfortable walking environment. Quality, original, and distinctive design responds to unique characteristics, reduced impacts to wildlife, and incorporates sustainable development practices.
Compliance with Additional Form and Design Standards Required
The Building Design Standards outline the hierarchy of compliance between multiple sections related to design standards in the zoning code and the focus on adhering to the higher level of visual building quality and interest. These requirements apply to all new multi-family, mixed-use and nonresidential development, including but not limited to parking garages, in addition to all standards and mandatory content related to building design in the Citywide and Downtown Design Standards and Guidelines. Residential users with four or fewer units in a single structure, however, are exempt from these standards.
General Site and Building Design Form Standards
Standards are outlined related to:
- Buildings and parking placement;
- Building entrances;
- Façade transparency; and
- Building façade articulation.
Use-Specific Building Form Standards
These standards outline the hierarchy of standards based on the Table of Allowed Uses and address noncompliance with allowed form standards. These standards also apply to all new construction or site redevelopments that result in the expansion and alteration of the gross floor area of an existing primary building by 50 percent or more. It is detailed by zoning district, including uses located in the:
- MX-1 District
- MX-3 District
- MX-4 District
- MX-5 District
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