Lot and Building Forms and Dimensions
Lot and Building Forms and Dimensions ensure that structures are properly located within the lot to account for building spacing, public access and drives, are consistent and have the appropriate height for the zoning district. These standards apply unless otherwise outlined in the zoning code.
Dimensional Standards Summary Tables
A summary of all specific dimensional standards that apply in each zoning district are provided in the zoning code, including:
- Lot Standards;
- Setbacks (Minimum, or Minimum/Maximum);
- Height (Maximum); and
- Parking Setbacks (Minimum).
Allowances for permitted encroachments into required setbacks are provided in addition to exceptions to building height maximums.
Residential Small Lots
New residential development on lots less than 3,500 square feet and Substandard Original Lots of Record must be compatible in design and scale with established housing. Reference the code for:
- When these standards apply;
- Development standards for setbacks and building height;
- Development standards for open space;
- Development standards for public right-of-way improvement;
- Development standards for parking;
- Development standards for Alternative Building Arrangements; and
- Design Guidelines
Neighborhood Transition Standards
To facilitate a predictable transition from multifamily, mixed-use, and non-residential development to residential properties zoning districts, the Neighborhood Transition standards ensure the mix of height, scale and density will transition gracefully from one zone to the next. Reference code for:
- When these standards apply;
- Building and parking area setbacks;
- Building Height Stepdown;
- Lighting Height; and
- Screening and Buffering
In order to support an increased supply of diverse, affordable, and sustainable/resilient housing that will efficiently use the existing infrastructure, incentives may apply based on these standards. Reference the code for:
- The approval process
- Availability of incentives based on nonconforming uses and structures
- Specific incentives available for specific residential and mixed-use zoning districts, especially related to affordability and sustainability and resilience
- Adaptive reuse of existing structures
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