Purchase Request

Use this form to request purchase of bulk compost produced at the City of Boise’s Twenty Mile South Compost Facility. The City’s compost is STA Certified through the US Composting Council. The most recent compost test composition results, including nutrient content, bulk density, material maturity and stability, heavy metals, and pathogen results can be found here.

Certified Compost Seal of Testing Assurance logo

Request Bulk Compost Purchase

* Required

Upon submission of this form, a program representative will contact you. Forms will be processed in the order they are received.  Submitting this form does not create an agreement with the City.  You and the City will both need to sign a Bulk Compost Purchase Agreement before any obligations are incurred.  If the City has bulk compost available, the program representative will provide a Bulk Compost Purchase Agreement for you to review and sign.


Bulk compost is priced at $5.32 per cubic yard for Bulk Compost Purchase Agreements signed and submitted on or before December 31, 2024.

General Purchase Terms

Note: these general purchase terms are provided for informational purposes only.  If any of these terms conflict with the terms stated in the Bulk Compost Purchase Agreement, the terms in the Bulk Compost Purchase Agreement supersede these terms.

  • All Bulk Compost Purchase Agreements are for a fixed material quantity, with a minimum of 2,000 cubic yards and a maximum of 4,000 cubic yards.
  • Purchaser must pay 50% of the purchase price within 30 days of executing the Bulk Compost Purchase Agreement.
  • The City will invoice the purchaser for the remaining 50% of the purchase price 90 days after the Bulk Compost Purchase Agreement is executed. The purchaser has 30 days from the invoice date to pay the balance due.
  • Purchaser has 180 days from the date their Bulk Compost Purchase Agreement is executed to pick up their material.

The bulk compost must be picked up and transported from the City of Boise’s Twenty Mile South Compost Facility “TMSCF” by purchaser.

  • Bulk compost may be picked up by purchaser Monday through Friday between the hours of 9am and 3pm.
  • Material not picked up by purchaser within 180 days of the Bulk Compost Purchase Agreement execution date will be forfeited. Purchaser will not be reimbursed for the material that they failed to collect from TMSCF.
  • The material is weighed at the time the purchaser collects the material from TMSCF. A conversion rate of 1,200 lbs per cubic yard is used to determine the volume.


  • If the City does not have at least 2,000 cubic yards of bulk compost available, you may choose to be placed on a waitlist. The City will periodically review the waitlist and confirm continued interest in receiving material from those on the waitlist.  The City may remove entities from the waitlist if the City does not receive confirmation of continued interest within seven business days of requesting a response.  The City will only process one Bulk Compost Purchase Request per purchaser per six months.
  • Purchasers will have 10 business days to sign and return the Bulk Compost Purchase Agreement after the City provides them a copy of the agreement. If the Purchaser does not sign and return the agreement in that timeframe, the City may sell the material to another purchaser.

For more information, please contact Lisa Knapp, City of Boise Compost Program Lead, at 208-608-7506 or lknapp@cityofboise.org.

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