Parking and Loading
The Parking and Loading Standards address vehicle and bicycle parking, on-site circulation, loading areas, and parking lot design to:
- Provide necessary access for service and emergency vehicles;
- Provide safe, convenient, and comfortable interactions between motor vehicles, non-motorized vehicles, bicyclists and pedestrians;
- Encourage active transportation options and enhanced pedestrian safety;
- Encourage emission-free vehicles;
- Provide flexibility to respond to the transportation, access, and loading impacts of various land uses in different areas of the city;
- Reduce stormwater runoff, reduce heat island effect from large expanses of pavement, improve water quality and minimize dust pollution;
- Mitigate traffic congestion; and
- Mitigate the visual impact of large expanses of exposed parking.
These requirements apply to all uses in all zoning districts unless specifically excepted (such as a few requirements in the MX-5 district, and for structured parking facilities).
General Parking Standards
These standards ensure the designated areas for parking are used for that purpose, it creates parking and loading calculations, and addresses reductions of existing parking and parking for unlisted uses.
Accessible Parking
All development that provides on-site vehicle parking spaces must comply with all applicable requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the International Building Code (IBC) in addition to these standards. The code sets the standard for:
- The amount of accessible parking required;
- Traditional accessible parking stall dimensions including length, width, van accessibility, and signage and markings; as well as
- Additional requirements.
Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking
These standards outline the specific minimums and maximums for off-street parking for each use that apply to all districts (except for MX-5 where no minimum parking requirements apply) unless modified by the Parking Adjustment Standards.
Electric Vehicle Parking Spaces
All multi-family dwelling, mixed-use, and nonresidential development have standard Electric Vehicle (EV) Parking Space requirements to contribute to the city's energy and climate goals. The requirement may include EV capable spaces, EV ready spaces, or EV installed spaces based on the total number of parking spaces. Review the code for more information on:
- The number of EV parking spaces required;
- Adjustment of EV parking requirements; and
- Dimensions and design.
Parking Adjustments
The minimum and maximum parking requirements may be adjusted using these standards if the applicant has not requested another reduction that results in more than a 50 percent reduction of the minimum spaces required. A conditional use permit (CUP) is required for any request to reduce minimum parking requirements by more than 50 percent. These standards also address parking reductions for the following:
- Shared parking facility;
- Two wheeled parking;
- Tree preservation;
- Affordable and sustainable/resilient housing;
- Adaptive reuse;
- Transportation demand management; and
- Adjustments to exceed parking maximums.
Vehicle Parking Location and Design
Parking is a necessity and should also be congruent with the building design requirements and utilize locations that make sense and support overall planning initiatives. These standards support that end with defining:
- Location standards (for both on-site and off-site locations);
- Dimensional standards for surface parking lots and areas, compact spaces, bumper overhang, and parking structures;
- Tandem parking;
- Driveways;
- Surfacing;
- Residential garages; and
- Parking area landscaping and lighting.
Required Bicycle Parking
Supporting active modes of transportation also means supporting standards for bicycle parking. The standards define the:
- Amount required;
- Location; and
- Design standards.
Off-Street Loading Facilities
All primary commercial and industrial uses must meet the standards for off-street loading facilities, including quantity, size and general standards.
Modifications and Compliance
The Planning Director may modify the Development and Design Standards if it is determined the site cannot accommodate the requirements to ensure the loading methods or facilities can be provided in a manner compatible with the surrounding uses. Standards are also outlined in the zoning code for compliance with the Development and Design Standards.
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