Categories of Hillside Development Permits
The Planning Director (with input from the City Engineer) shall determine whether an application may be processed as a Category 1, 2, or 3 permit.
Category 1
Category 1 Permits are issued by the Planning Director for minor, routine construction on prepared building pads and single lots that do not involve significant grading. For example:
i. Single-Family Detached Dwellings or accessory structures placed on lots needing little modification, in a development for which a Category 3 permit has previously been issued.
ii. Single-Family Detached Dwellings or accessory structures placed upon lots of record that comply with approved building envelopes and limits to grading and for which Category 2 Permit criteria are not exceeded.
Category 2
Examples of the development requiring a Category 2 Permit are:
i. Exterior additions to existing structures;
ii. Grading with significant modification of approved topography including:
A. A retaining wall that is greater than four feet of exposed height or more than one retaining wall when the horizontal distance between retaining walls is less than 10 feet and the total of all exposed retaining walls exceeds four feet in height; or
B. An excavation or fill that exceeds the limits as defined by the International Building Code Chapter 18 and Appendix J as amended by Chapter 9-1 of the Boise City Code;
iii. Access roads or driveways in excess of 100 feet in length or in excess of 15 percent grade. Such driveways shall be reviewed for impacts on drainage and soil stability, emergency access, access to the public street and potential physical impacts on neighboring properties; or
iv. Multiple retaining walls located within setbacks, per Section 11-04-09, Landscaping, Fencing, Walls, and Screening.
Category 3
Category 3 Permits are for PUDs, Preliminary Plats, or grading involving modification of approved topography beyond that allowed under Categories 1 and 2 including:
i. Projects where the Planning Director, with input from the City Engineer, determines that slope stability or drainage problems exist.
ii. Projects involving modification of pre-graded lots in excess of 30 percent of the volume of previous excavation or fill or 30 percent of the surface area by square footage.
iii. Projects involving modification of lots with natural topography in excess of 30 percent of the surface area of the lot.
iv. Projects not defined as a Category 1 or 2 but that fall under the purview of this Section 11-02-07.3.F.