Public Services Program


The City of Boise receives an annual allocation of Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). CDBG is a flexible program that provides funding to address a wide range of unique community development needs, including projects and activities that focus on low- to moderate-income persons and households. Each year, 15% of the City’s annual CDBG allocation from HUD is used to support non-profit organizations providing public services in the community.

Family on porch with dog

What are Public Services?

Public Services are activities (programs/services) that assist low to moderate income individuals or families. HUD defines low to moderate income as households whose annual income does not exceed 80% of the Area Median Income (AMI).

Eligible public services include health care, counseling, case management, emergency housing assistance, homeless services, substance abuse services, childcare, food banks, services for seniors, educational programs, recreational services, services for victims of domestic violence, and more. Find the full list of eligible services here.

Activities may target a defined group of low- to moderate-income persons, such as homeless, elderly, youth, victims of domestic violence, etc., but must be available to those residents regardless of where they live in Boise.


Each year, the City grants CDBG funds to local organizations. The amount available for the program is dependent on the allocation the City receives from HUD. Grants are awarded for a one-year period that aligns with the City’s Program and Fiscal Years (October 1 – September 30).

Public service awards may be used to reimburse the following types of expenses:

  • Staff salaries
  • Client assistance (not paid directly to individuals), such as rental/utility assistance, after-school program scholarships, etc.

Grants cannot be used for political activities, direct payments to individuals, overhead costs, facility operations/maintenance costs, services that are only available to residents at a specific facility, or services that are provided to clients of whom less than 51% are below 80% AMI.

Funding Opportunities

Key with house keychain opening lock on door

Who Can Apply

To be eligible for CDBG Public Service funding, an entity must be a nonprofit, IRS-designated 501(c)(3) agency in good standing. Faith-based organizations may be eligible as long as the proposed activity is available to residents regardless of religious belief or practice.

Organizations who apply must have the ability and capacity to carry out the activity in accordance with the uniform administrative requirements at 2 CFR Part 200.

Ineligible Entities

  • Individuals
  • For-profit businesses
  • Organizations that engage in any discriminatory practices on the grounds of race, color, national origin, religion, creed, disability, age, sex, actual or perceived sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, or familial status
  • Organizations that stipulate mandatory religious engagement or influence in the provision of their services
  • Organizations that are funders or pass-through entities
  • Organizations who are contracting services to a program for which they are not the primary service provider

Pre-Application Resources

20-unit apartment complex

What Awarded Grantees Can Expect

Once an organization has been awarded CDBG funds for their public service activity, they can expect to be in contact with City staff regularly. In addition, each organization will be required to attend one Technical Assistance workshop before the start of the program year (October 1).

Accessing Funds

All public service grant funds are provided to organizations on a reimbursement basis. The organization submits a request for funds monthly to the City (called a Draw Request), which includes all required information. If CDBG funds are being used to pay for staff salaries, organizations must submit detailed timesheets; if funding is being used for client assistance, the organization must submit documentation or invoices related to payments made on behalf of clients.


Each organization must report demographic information for the clients they have served with CDBG funds on a quarterly basis. The City also requires completion of a mid-year Progress Report and a final Annual Report at the end of the program year.


The City is responsible for ensuring that its federal resources are being used appropriately, so all organizations must comply with monitoring requests. The City’s Compliance Team will review client files, program information, and may request further documentation as part of their review.

Resources for Grantees

Organizations who have an active grant award can find relevant resources here.

Staff Transitions

If CDBG-funded staff positions or other primary staff positions related to the CDBG activity have experienced turn-over, organizations must provide staffing updates directly to the City team via this form.

Personnel Update Form

The following forms should be used by organizations for Draw Requests:

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