Blueprint Boise

What is Blueprint Boise?
Boise’s Comprehensive Plan, Blueprint Boise, establishes a broad vision for growth. The plan breaks the city into geographic planning areas and provides policy guidance for each one. A series of master plans and neighborhood plans provide more specific guidance.
Blueprint Boise includes a land use map depicting the expected type and location of future development in the city. The future land use map serves as a guide directing development to suitable areas and in preferred quantities. It also depicts areas that the city expects to annex over time. Comprehensive Plan policies are implemented through zoning, project review, capital improvement programming and/or budgeting, and a variety of other means.
Blueprint Boise, which was adopted in 2011 after extensive outreach that included citizen input and community workshops, is based on seven key principles:
- Environmental Stewardship
- A Predictable Development Pattern
- Stable Neighborhoods and Mixed-Use Activity Centers
- A Connected Community
- A Community that Values its Culture, Education, Arts and History
- A Strong, Diverse Economy
- A Safe, Healthy and Caring Community
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