Module 2 Community Survey

Question 1

What neighborhood (by planning area) do you live in?

Answered: 3,114

Skipped: 0

Airport50 (1.6%)
Barber Valley55 (1.8%)
Central Bench470 (15.1%)
Downtown91 (2.9%)
Foothills100 (3.2%)
North/East End546 (17.5%)
Northwest406 (13.0%)
Southeast455 (14.6%)
Southwest353 (11.3%)
Ten Mile Creek3 (0.1%)
West Bench529 (17.0%)
Area of Impact56 (1.8%)
Not a Resident0 (0.0%)

Question 2

What type of home do you currently live in?

Answered: 3,108

Skipped: 6

Apartment244 (7.9%)
Condo43 (1.4%)
Duplex67 (2.2%)
Single-Family Home2,561 (82.4%)
Triplex/Fourplex26 (0.8%)
Townhome119 (3.8%)
ADU/Tiny Home21 (0.7%)
Other27 (0.9%)

Question 3

Do you rent, own or other (e.g. house-sit, in-between places)?

Answered: 3,106

Skipped: 8

Rent512 (16.5%)
Own2,557 (82.3%)
Other37 (1.2%)

Question 4

Based on your experience, how important do you think the following development standards (how buildings/properties should look and feel) are in terms of helping our city encourage new developments that include affordable housing, various housing types, transportation options, and the creation of exceptional places where people live, work and play.

Answered: 3,097

Skipped: 17

UnimportantSomewhat ImportantNeutralImportantVery ImportantTOTAL
Smaller lot sizes592 (19.4%)429 (14.1%)686 (22.8%)780 (25.6%)554 (18.2%)3,051
Larger lot sizes569 (18.7%)334 (11.0%)807 (26.6%)701 (23.1%)626 (20.6%)3,037
Maximum size or height of buildings on a lot268 (8.7%)372 (12.1%)302 (9.8%)1,012 (32.9%)1,124 (36.5%)3,078
Minimum size or height of buildings on a lot924 (30.1%)469 (15.3%)679 (22.1%)571 (18.6%)425 (13.9%)3,068
Maximum amount of space a building can take up on a property304 (9.9%)388 (12.6%)428 (13.9%)1,024 (33.3%)935 (30.4%)3,079
Amount of parking required for different types of developments (homes, apartments, businesses)130 (4.2%)208 (6.7%)168 (5.4%)1,080 (35.0%)1,501 (48.6%)3,087
Connectivity for pedestrians, bicyclists, and cars (sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes)105 (3.4%)153 (5.0%)157 (5.1%)730 (23.6%)1,943 (62.9%)3,088
Street-oriented and pedestrian-friendly design122 (4.0%)142 (4.6%)199 (6.5%)775 (25.2%)1,842 (59.8%)3,080

Question 5

The public draft of Module 2 of the new Boise Zoning Code covers many topics related to the size, look, and feel of new projects. Based on your experience, which of the following types of design and development standards (how buildings and properties should look and feel) are most important in keeping Boise a great place to live, work and play? Please rank (1 being most important, 10 being least important).

Answered: 3,075

Skipped: 39

Protecting sensitive lands, like those near the river and the foothills1,409 (48.2%499 (17.1%)259 (8.9%)161 (5.5%)125 (4.3%)87 (3.0%)87 (3.0%)79 (2.7%)76 (2.6%)141 (4.8%)2,9238.16
Access and connectivity (sidewalks, crosswalks, bike lanes)398 (13.6%)660 (22.5%)445 (15.2%)394 (13.4%)281 (9.6%)218 (7.4%)197 (6.7%)144 4.9%115 3.9%83 (2.8%)2,9357.00
How large areas of undeveloped land are divided into neighborhoods412 (14.1%)652 (22.4%)444 (15.2%)304 (10.4%)238 (8.2%)191 (6.6%)174 (6.0%)169 (5.8%)173 (5.9%)155 (5.3%)2,9126.78
The size of lots and buildings252 (5.6%)336 (11.5%)481 (16.4%)445 (15.2%)328 (11.2%)268 (9.2 %)231 (7.9%)235 (8.0%)207 (7.1%)143 (4.9%)2,9266.15
Building design132 (4.5%)200 (6.8%)362 (12.4%)385 (13.1%)478 (16.3%)367 (12.%)299 (10.2%)288 (9.8%)259 (8.8%)160 (5.5%)2,9305.51
Parking and loading94 (3.2%)175 (6.0%)277 (9.5%)340 (11.6%)431 (14.7%)432 (14.8%)348 (11.9%)372 (12.7%)258 (8.8%)201 (6.9%)2,9285.15
Landscaping, fencing, walls and screening53 (1.8%)149 (5.1%)251 (5.6%)347 (11.9%)420 (14.4%)513 (17.6%)484 (16.6%)378 (12.9%)221 (7.6%)106 (3.6%)2,9225.14
Ongoing maintenance and upkeep (building maintenance, lighting, landscaping, fencing)105 (3.5%)138 (4.6%)195 (6.5%)251 (8.3%)298 (9.9%)362 (12.0%)394 (13.1%)370 (12.3%)366 (12.1%)535 (17.8%)3,0144.37
Exterior lighting57 (1.9%)84 (2.8%)147 (5.0%)193 (6.5%)232 (7.8%)293 (9.9%)412 (13.9%)515 (17.4%)614 (20.7%)141 (14.0%)2,9613.90
Signs on our outside of buildings74 (2.5%)61 (2.1%)74 (2.5%)110 (3.7%)148 (5.0%)185 (6.3%)310 (10.5%)381 (12.9%)611 (20.8%)989 (33.6%)2,9433.08

Question 6

In our existing zoning code, city planners use a calculation (the number of units divided by the size of the lot) to set a maximum limit on how many residential units can be built on a single piece of property. The Module 2 draft proposes removing the density calculation requirement of dwelling units per acre in residential zones to focus on design criteria, like maximum height, required parking, minimum lot sizes and setbacks to limit the impact of development.

These changes are proposed because physical dimensions are often a better way to make sure new development “fits in” with existing neighborhoods, and because arbitrary dwelling unit/acre requirements often prevent the construction of innovative and new types of housing. These regulations are found in Section 11-04-03.2.A.

Do you feel this proposed change will help encourage creative housing design and various housing types?

Answered: 2,647

Skipped: 467

Yes1,645 (62.1%)
No729 (27.5%)
No Opinion273 (10.3%)

Question 7

Do you feel this proposed change will help encourage the development of more affordable housing types?

Answered: 2,641

Skipped: 473

Yes1,155 (43.7%)
No991 (37.5%)
No Opinion495 (18.7%)

Question 8

The Module 2 draft includes new ways to provide more predictability regarding compatibility between homes and more intense uses (like schools, hotels or other businesses) next to them. The draft would require the following:

  • A maximum building height of 35 feet for any portion of the higher intensity building located within 100 feet of the low-density residential use OR an additional 10 feet of side and rear setbacks for the higher intensity building if it exceeds 35 feet in height.
  • A maximum height limit of 20 feet for outdoor light poles and wall mounted light fixtures on the higher intensity property if they are located within 50 feet of homes.
  • Additional landscaping and screening requirements on the higher intensity property.
  • Limitations on the location of parking areas, drive-through lanes, or circulation driveways between the higher and lower intensity buildings.

These regulations are found in Section 11-04-03.4.

Do you feel the proposed changes will help protect existing residential neighborhoods and reduce potential conflicts between residential and non-residential land uses?

Yes1,431 (54.6%)
No761 (29.1%)
No Opinion427 (16.3%)

Question 9

The Table of Minimum and Maximum Off-Street Parking Requirements has been updated to generally reduce the minimum number of required parking spaces. For example, the off-street parking requirement for a single-family home has been reduced from two spaces per home to one space per home to encourage smaller, more diverse housing types. These regulations are found in Section 11-04-07.5.

Do you think the proposed changes make sense for Boise?

Answered: 2,614

Skipped: 473

Yes901 (34.1%)
No1,522 (57.6%)
No Opinion218 (8.3%)

Question 10

The Module 2 draft also includes new standards to encourage smaller blocks and more frequent street and sidewalk connection points to encourage walking and bicycling as an alternative to automobile trips. These changes include new maximum block length standards to limit the size of new blocks.

New standards promote more pedestrian-friendly development by requiring shared parking and access points, coordinating and linking parking structure and lot entrances, consolidating common service/delivery areas, allowing shared parking structures and lots, and allowing shared driveways for two adjacent lots to minimize curb cuts. These regulations are found in Sections 11-04-06.4.G and H.

Do you feel the proposed changes would encourage more walking and bicycling and reduce the number and length of automobile trips?

Answered: 2,490

Skipped: 624

Yes1,335 (53.6%)
No874 (35.1%)
No Opinion281 (11.3%)

Question 11

The draft Module 2 update proposes changing standards for landscaping with new requirements to:

  • encourage xeriscaping (using mulches to reduce evaporation, discourage weed growth, and keep the soil cool);
  • install drought-tolerant or adaptive sod/seed mix;
  • Limit grass to 33% of the landscaped area;
  • prohibit invasive plants; and
  • limit the use of water features (fountains, waterfalls, and ponds).

These regulations are found in Section 11-04-08.3.E.

Do you think the proposed changes are appropriate to promote environmental stewardship through environmentally friendly development practices?

Answered: 2,492

Skipped: 622

Yes1,864 (47.8%)
No470 (18.9%)
No Opinion158 (6.3%)

Question 12

The draft introduces new screening requirements for both rooftop and ground-mounted mechanical and utility equipment.

  • The standards for roof mounted equipment require the equipment (i) not be visible from 5 feet above ground on any lot line and adjacent public rights-of-way or open spaces OR (ii) be hidden from view using an enclosure that is designed to match the front of the primary building.
  • The standards for ground-mounted equipment require that equipment located within view of public and open spaces blend into the overall site and architectural design using a decorative wall, fence, or enclosure and/or landscaping that is tall enough and solid enough to conceal the equipment.

These regulations are found in Section 11-04-08.10.D(4) and the (cross-referenced) Citywide Design Standards.

Do you think the proposed changes make a meaningful contribution to achieving the city’s goal of improving the look and feel of new developments?

Answered: 2,494

Skipped: 620

Yes1,799 (72.1%)
No355 (14.2%)
No Opinion340 (13.6%)

Question 13

The draft zoning ordinance proposes some relatively simple standards to enhance the city’s regulation of exterior lighting. These regulations are found in Section 11-4-010.

  • Promote energy efficiency by requiring that new fixtures provide a minimum of 80 lumens per watt of energy consumed;
  • Reduce glare by requiring fully shielded light fixtures and by limited uplighting (placing light fixtures directed up at the base of a building);
  • Promote dark skies by requiring all outdoor lighting fixtures remain off between 11:00 P.M. and sunrise in Residential, Mixed-Use, and Special Purpose zoning districts except for security purposes or to light walkways, driveways, equipment yards, or parking lots.

Do you think the proposed changes are sufficient to the impact of development on nighttime environments?

Answered: 2,488

Skipped: 626

Yes1,765 (70.9%)
No451 (18.1%)
No Opinion272 (10.9%)

Question 14

If you would like to be entered into a raffle to win a $25 VISA git card, please confirm your eligibility and enter your email below.

Answered: 1,996

Skipped: 1,118

I confirm that I am 18 years or older, and agree to the survey giveaway rules.1,996 (100.0%)

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