Project Milestones
The Journey to a Modern Zoning Code

Updating Boise's Zoning Code
The Zoning Code Rewrite process was completed in three phases (modules), with outreach at the center of each phase. City planning staff, joined with a professional consultant, explored tools to create developments that better preserve and enhance community character, integrate with existing neighborhoods and are in line with the city’s comprehensive plan, Blueprint Boise.
Planning and Development Services (PDS) submitted the zoning code amendment and a comprehensive plan amendment first to the Planning and Zoning Commission who recommended approval, and then to Boise City Council, who after public testimony, and advising some revisions, voted to approve the amendment in June of 2023 with an implementation date of December 1, 2023.
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Planning and Zoning Commission
April 2023
The City of Boise Planning and Development team submitted amendments to both the comprehensive plan and the zoning code. After multiple days of public testimony, the Planning and Zoning Commission voted to recommend the code to the Boise City Council for approval.
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Draft Module 2: Design + Development Standards
Winter / Spring 2022
Module 2 of the Zoning Code Rewrite was released in January of 2022. This section of the zoning code outlined development and design standards for developing properties within the city. The city released the draft module with several accompanying materials for public review including the How to Read Module 2, an Executive Summary and the conversion map.
Community Engagement
Draft Module 1: Zoning Districts + Allowed Uses
Spring 2021
The City of Boise released Module 1 of the Zoning Code Rewrite in spring of 2021. This section of the zoning code outlined what would and would not be allowed within certain zones across the city and proposed the following changes to help better align our zoning code with the city's long-term vision:
- Condensed and renamed zoning districts,
- Allow new housing types within all residential zones,
- Allow small-scale commercial in some residential zones and
- Created new zones that allow mixed-use development.
Community Engagement
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Project Kick-Off
Fall 2020
The City of Boise solicited feedback about the city’s current zoning tools and received over 800 responses. Feedback indicated that Boiseans want to see Blueprint Boise implemented in ways that make the tools and procedures for zoning more understandable, predictable and equitable for residents, developers and the community as a whole.
Key recommendations included:
- Simplified, streamlined code with illustrations
- Clearly defined land uses
- High quality design standards for buildings and sites
- Clarity about the development review process
Diagnostics and Solutions Report
Additionally, feedback from the survey was integrated into the Final Diagnostics and Solutions Report. This report also includes feedback and observations from city staff and consultants about the challenges and opportunities that exist with our current zoning tools.
Citywide Advisory Committee
The city used a Citywide Advisory Committee (CAC) compiled of diverse community members to assist in creating a code that reflects Boise’s values. The CAC met monthly and the meetings were open to the public and are available on YouTube.
Learn More
Watch these videos to learn more about why the zoning code and comprehensive plan are important.
What is the Zoning Code?
What is a Comprehensive Plan?
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