Project Background
Boise’s zoning code has shaped Boise as we know it, guiding how the built environment of our city evolves. To support Boise’s long-term vision as our community grows and changes, we are rewriting our zoning code in three parts, called modules. The first module of the zoning code outlines what kind of uses are and are not allowed within each zone across the city. The second module outlines development and design standards for redeveloping properties within the city. Community outreach for Module 2 took place January 27th - April 9th of 2022.
Executive Summary
Module 2 outlines development and design standards for redeveloping properties within the city. Design standards include dimensional requirements for building height, building setbacks, housing density, parking requirements, building design, and incentives for developments that provide a community benefit. module, the draft document proposes the following updates:
- Updating dimensional requirements to allow smaller minimum lot sizes and/or lot widths for all residential zones
- Removing the density calculation requirement of housing units per acre in all zones
- Adding design requirements to protect the transition between neighborhoods and higher intensity zones (i.e. commercial zones)
- Creating new zoning incentives in exchange for energy or water saving improvements
- Reducing off-street parking requirements for single-family, duplex, triplex, and 4-plexes from two parking spaces per home to one parking space per home
- Broadening the building and site design standards to apply to all new development, rather than just those parcels identified in the Design Review Standards & Guidelines
- Creating a new section of the code that establishes standards for the safe location of driveways and construction of new streets or pathways that help pedestrians, bicyclists, cars and delivery vehicles move safely and efficiently
- Creating a new section of the code that requires site improvements for new developments such as landscaping, lighting, signs and other on-site materials to be kept clean and in good condition
To collaborate with and gather feedback from the community, we used a variety of tools to reach our residents. A recap of comments and concerns are included in this report.
Module 2 proposes several changes to the zoning code that would apply to all areas of the city. Residents value unique neighborhood characteristics and would like to be able to predict what growth will look like and provide sufficient housing at various price points for Boiseans. Overall, we heard that residents love our city and revisions to Module 1 and 2 of the draft zoning code should focus on:
- Directing development where there is public investment
- Maintaining a variety of neighborhoods
- Explicitly producing the type of affordable and sustainable development the city needs
- Identifying areas in the city that are purposely managed for conservation
This report outlines the results of the surveys as well as a comprehensive look at the feedback gathered at community outreach events.