Concept Review

Once the applicant has completed Early Assistance and creates their planning case in the Permitting and Licensing System, the next step is Concept Review. Concept Review, while still high level, is a more detailed discussion of the project than Early Assistance. The applicant should have additional details available, such as their basic site plan as well as the vision for the project to discuss with the planning team. Submitted information should also include planned vehicular and pedestrian access and number of units (if applicable).

Concept Review will help the applicant identify ways they can improve their design to best integrate with the surrounding neighborhood and avoid potential roadblocks further in the planning process. Suggested staff improvements could include recommendations for the orientation of the building, ensuring site has access to support existing traffic patterns, or suggestions for integrating the property with public spaces surrounding the site.

What Takes Place?

The applicant will meet with the planning team when the project plans have been further developed after Early Assistance. At this phase the project should have a site plan with additional details for the planning team to review. The meeting will help identify any key issues that would need to be resolved or other departments and agencies that would need to get involved in the next steps.

How Do I Prepare?

After your Early Assistance interaction, continue to develop the project plan until the information below is ready to be submitted. The more details the better, as it is helpful for creating good discussion and feedback through this step. At this point, the planning case should be started in the Permitting and Licensing System, either by the applicant or the planning team, and items should be uploaded. The following items must be added to the planning case in the Permitting and Licensing System using the required format before you can schedule a Concept Review meeting:

  • Project Description must include:
    • Address or addresses of parcel(s)
    • Vision of the project - design intent and philosophy of the project. Include how project interacts with the surrounding area.
    • Number and types of units (if applicable)
    • Access and parking
    • Optional: you may provide additional information relevant to the project
  • Drawings must include:
    • Site plan
    • Context diagram (aerial map) that includes surrounding uses and how the project interacts with the local environment.
    • Any other drawings relevant to the project

The project description and drawings must be submitted in PDF format with the following file naming convention:



If the documents submitted do not meet the requirements described, the submission will be rejected and returned to the applicant via email to correct and resubmit before a Concept Review meeting request may be granted.

Concept Review Meeting

Once the materials above have been submitted, a member of the planning team will review the documents for completeness. Once all the required materials have been properly provided, the applicant will be notified via email and may schedule the Concept Review meeting.

Concept Review may vary depending on each individual project, however, this step is not complete until all questions and points of feedback are discussed.

During the meeting, the city planner will:

  • Go over your project proposal with you for further discussion including the site plan, any concept elevations and landscape areas;
  • Identify any potential roadblocks or necessary changes;
  • Ensure alignment with the zoning code and comprehensive plan;
  • Identify if the project will be reviewed administratively or go to a hearing body so that the next steps can be outlined based on this information.

Once Concept Review is completed, the planning team will create a summary report that is provided to the applicant with feedback on the proposal as well as next steps.

What's Next?

Next steps will be determined by the project complexity and decision-making body. Each project has different requirements that may include:

Review the planning process overview and each of these steps for more information.

Planning Process Overview

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